Specific, proven words that will empower you to:

Shut down passive-aggressive people who make your work life miserable

Stop colleagues from dismissing and interrupting you

Overcome and even thrive within a negative environment

Take charge of every relationship and conversation in your life 

Step Out of the Shadows and Speak with clarity and confidence

Command respect

Let me introduce myself:

Hi! 👋 I'm Dan O'Connor.

And I'm about to change your life forever.

Reclaim Your Power with Fearless Communication 

Transform conflict into opportunity using mindful communication techniques that restore your confidence and joy at work.


Let me introduce myself.


👋 I'm Dan O'Connor


and I'm about to change your life.


Logos of Professional Communication Skills Coach Dan O'Connor--those who have taken his Professional Communication Skills Training Courses


   Download Your FREE COPY of

Energy Vampire Slaying: 101

It's time to flip the script on toxic vibes and be the change you want to see. 


Get Your Free Copy Today and You Can Start Slaying Tomorrow


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  • VIP invitations to live events,
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  • exclusive content available only to subscribers. 

And more!

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Tired of toxic people sucking the life right out of you?

If you are, you're in the right place: Energy Vampire Slaying: 101 isn't just another book it's your secret weapon--packed with real-talk strategies to help you handle those energy drainers in your life.

Whether it’s

  • The Exploder
  • The Cry-Baby
  • The Gossip
  • The Negaddicted
  • The Sniper
  • The Time-Sucker
  • The Tank
  • The Beggar
  • The Victim or
  • The Bully

You're not just learning to 'deal with' folks; you're mastering the art of turning every conversation into a win-win. I'm talking about strategies that mix a bit of mysticism, some quantum physics, and a whole lot of practical, down-to-earth communication tips. It's not about 'beating' anyone; it’s about changing the game.

What You Get

You're not just getting a made-for-internet-giveaways book. This book is an Amazon customer favorite, averaging 4.5+ stars out of 5. I've decided to give it away because I think it's the right thing to do with everything going on today; we all need all the help we can get, right?

Gives you the roadmap you need to conquer negativity and toxic attitudes at work, at home, and in yourself so you can take your power back from energy vampires and reclaim your joy once and for all.

The Complete Book

Gives you the roadmap you need to conquer negativity and toxic attitudes at work, at home, and in yourself so you can take your power back from energy vampires and reclaim your joy once and for all.

This workbook is your key to rapid learning; the more you use it, the faster you will make these new skills part of your daily verbal repertoire and be able effortlessly find the right words when you need them.

Interactive Workbook

This workbook is your key to rapid learning; the more you use it, the faster you will make these new skills part of your daily verbal repertoire and be able effortlessly find the right words when you need them.

These handy flashcards are the perfect tools to help you practice what you've learned so you have the right words at-the-ready when you need them.

Quick-Reference Flashcards

These handy flashcards are the perfect tools to help you practice what you've learned so you have the right words at-the-ready when you need them.

These cards help you change the way you look at things so you can discover new solutions and new ways of communicating from a more enlightened, loving place regardless of who or what you're dealing with.

Slayer Principle Cards

These cards help you change the way you look at things so you can discover new solutions and new ways of communicating from a more enlightened, loving place regardless of who or what you're dealing with.

Dive Into Energy Vampire Slaying: 101 and unlock the secrets to transforming your toxic environment


  • This isn't just a book; it's a blueprint to reframe your communication and thought patterns.
  • You'll learn not just to cope, but to thrive, by mastering verbal strategies that turn conflicts into opportunities.
  • Break free from feeling like you're a victim of toxic people and start controlling the narrative of your life.
Learn clear, practical verbal tactics you can use right away to handle toxic people.

Immediate Actionable Strategies

Learn clear, practical verbal tactics you can use right away to handle toxic people.

Discover a unique approach that combines effective communication skills with elements of mysticism and quantum physics.

Unique Blend of Communication and Mysticism

Discover a unique approach that combines effective communication skills with elements of mysticism and quantum physics.

This book is more than just dealing with others; it's about empowering yourself.

Empowerment and Self-Esteem

This book is more than just dealing with others; it's about empowering yourself. 

Get Your Free Copy Today and You Can

Start Slaying Tomorrow

energy vampire slaying 101  Download NOW when you join my mailing list 

where you'll get things like:

  • VIP invitations to live events,
  • subscriber-only coupons and,
  • exclusive content available only to subscribers. 

And more!

It's free | We won't spam | Unsubscribe at any time.


communication course by Dan O'Connor, the Wizard of Words

Well, bad news—it doesn’t.

But the good news is, that with my help, it will.

The best part? It’s not hard.

There’s just some really pivotal stuff they don’t teach you in school.

Laundry, taxes, and how to deal with difficult people at work.

Luckily, it’s easy to learn how to handle difficult people.

You just need the right words--


Transform Your Experience with Powerful, Mindful Communication Skills


Are you tired of feeling powerless against difficult colleagues and toxic work environments? It's time to turn the tables.

Introducing a revolutionary approach to mastering workplace communication. This isn't about vague theories or metaphors; it's about giving you the exact words and phrases you need. My unique training arms you with specific, easy-to-learn scripts to:

  • Defend your boundaries and shut down rude people and their inappropriate comments.
  • Transform workplace negativity instead of conforming to it.
  • Counteract attempts to diminish your value, whether from colleagues, bosses, or clients.
  • Establish yourself as a respected and influential force in your professional sphere.


Discover how to use words as your weapon - without weaponizing your words.


Become a mindful, respected communicator whose conversations are uplifting to everyone involved and who knows how to address unwanted behavior by effectively responding to it instead of just react to it like most people do.

If you're here it's because you've had enough, and you know there's a better way, but you just need help. I understand it's difficult to find someone or something who has something new or different from all the useless fluff that's out there. That's why I've spent my whole life curating and refining the most powerful tactics, strategies, and tools that I guarantee will empower you with the right words to stay focused, remember who you are, and confidently go toe-to-toe and win any battle no matter who you're up against, or how powerful they are.

Just like those who have gone before you and have been where you are now--thousands of people all over the world (You can check out some of their stories here)--you can do it; anyone can. I can show you how.


Ready to reclaim your power and joy at work? Start your transformation now by downloading your free copy of Energy Vampire Slaying: 101, then once you've done that, see if you're ready for some of my premium resources in the store.

power phrases


Learn proven phrases to respond to rude, insulting people in a way that stops the toxic behavior at work in its tracks, and that help you demonstrate you are a force to be reckoned withwithout stooping to their level.



Never feel caught off-guard with clear blueprints and tested strategies for communicating any message, whether you're communicating with your employee or your employer, allowing you to remain calm in emotionally-charged situations.


Get more sleep at night with tried and tested scripts that make delivering difficult messages at work a breeze – so you can face workplace harassment and crucial conversations with confidence, clarity and poise.


Finding the right strategies is only half the battle. With flashcards, infographics, lists, and other visual cues, you'll have the tools you need to master what you've learned so you're ready the next time you need to use your new skills.

Feel confident you're armed and ready for any

– and every –


You can learn how to:

  • Hold your own with other powerful communicators at work
  • Be recognized as intelligent, competent, and worthy of respect
  • Shut down rude, toxic or insulting bullies at work without becoming one yourself
  • Stop the gossip, backstabbing, and workplace bullying, and defend yourself without sounding defensive, and
  • Take control of every conversation and relationship in your life.

Starting the very first day.

CLICK HERE to learn more about my courses or what it means to join my inner circle.


Professional Communication Skills

Melanie Thompson
Louisiana State University

I took Dan's training, and the very next day I was able to use his communication tools in a very difficult meeting at work. I was able to negotiate a solution that worked for the entire team. I can't speak highly enough of Dan's training.

Professional Communication Skills

      Yesenia Gonzalez        Southern Brokerage

I had a problem communicating for a while...when someone who is not my boss asked me what I was working on recently, I did exactly what you said, and he did just what you said he would do. Wow! 15 years+ and now I got it. Thank you so much I felt so empowered. I regained my authority thanks to you!

Professional Communication Skills

Dr. Donna A. Dulo.    President, Unmanned Aircraft Safety & Security Society, Inc.
Unmanned Aviation Consultant/Legal Writer

I have improved my communications at work exponentially and continue to excel as I review your material and apply the lessons to real world situations. It's the best professional development product I have ever used, an exceptional value as well!

Lisa R. P. Goldberg

Dan gives real, practical advice on workplace dynamics, and how to deal with challenging personalities. Dan's advice comes in small, digestible chunks, which allows us to experiment with changing one behavior at a time. I highly recommend Dan's programs.

Charles H.

Minnesota Corrections Officer

I am LOVING the 50 lesson training plan. I have been using it and getting great results. 
My boss seems to have extensive mental health issues, but my new skills from your course are keeping me on track.
The head tilt works, the broken record works, staying upbeat and professional works, removing physical barriers works. I accidentally said "my team" and the chief goes, yours? and I was SO fast to say OURS per your narcissism youtube video.

If you're tired of feeling pushed around, disrespected, invisible, or powerless, our online professional communication skills training and personal development courses will give you the words.

Here are some handy links for you:

Skip all the useless fluff and boring theory you'll find in the standard "professional development communication courses," and instead, discover Dan O'Connor's communication skills tools, tactics, and WORDS that you can use to immediately be heard and respected in the workplace and in your personal life--the very first time you use them.